

package com.livelike.engagementsdk


Name Description
interface AnalyticsService

The base interface for the analytics. This will log events to any remote analytics provider.

class MockAnalyticsService
class AnalyticsWidgetInteractionInfo
class AnalyticsWidgetSpecificInfo
class MixpanelAnalytics
enum class KeyboardHideReason
enum class KeyboardType
enum class DismissAction
class EngagementSDK

Use this class to initialize the EngagementSDK. This is the entry point for SDK usage. This creates an instance of EngagementSDK.

class EpochTime

A fixed moment in time with a specified baseline and precision.

class LiveLikeEngagementTheme
interface FontFamilyProvider
data class LiveLikeUser

A LiveLikeUser is the representation of a user in the library.

data class LiveLikeWidget
data class CreatedBy
data class OptionsItem
data class ReactionsItem
interface LiveLikeContentSession

Represents a Content Session which LiveLike uses to deliver widgets and associate user with the Chat component.

interface MessageListener

Returns the new message count whenever a unread message is being posted

interface WidgetListener

Return the new widget id and kind appear on screen

interface Stream

A simple representation of an observable stream. Subscription will requires a key to avoid multiple subscription of the same observable.

class WidgetInfos

A representation of a widget


Name Description
package chat
package core
package publicapis
package widget


Name Description
const CHAT_MESSAGE_ID: String
const ALERT_ID: String
const PROGRAM_ID: String
const LINK_URL: String
const CHAT_REACTION_ID: String
const CHAT_ROOM_ID: String
const WIDGET_TYPE: String